Health and Wellness Committee
Empowering All Students to Excel
Empowering All Students to Excel
Health & Wellness Agenda 5.1.2019
Health & Wellness Committee
School Committee Room
283 County Road, Barrington, RI 02806
5.01.2019 8:30 a.m.
Health and Wellness NORMS:
Barrington Middle School is accessible to the handicapped. Individuals requiring any accommodations for disabilities must notify Barrington Public Schools at 401-245-5000 (TTD 401-247-3750) not less than 48 hours in advance.
Posted Friday, April 26, 2019, on the Barrington School Website and Rhode Island Secretary of State website, Barrington Town Hall, and Barrington School Administration Building.
School Committee Room
283 County Road, Barrington, RI 02806
5.01.2019 8:30 a.m.
Health and Wellness NORMS:
- Focus on opportunities, not obstacles
- Engage in positive communication - Respectful listening and allowing for shared airtime
- Respect others’ opinions
- Respect time - focus on productivity, stay on task, and topic providing timely agenda, minutes and information
- Adhere to membership consensus building as the decision-making process
- Act as a representative liaison
- Call to Order
- Review and approval of minutes from April 3, 2019 meeting
- Update of the status of Health and Wellness Advisory Recommendations to School Committee
- Review and Recommend Possible updates to the Health and Wellness Policy
- Highlights of Health and Wellness reports:
- Chartwells
- BAY Team
- School Nurse Educators
Barrington Middle School is accessible to the handicapped. Individuals requiring any accommodations for disabilities must notify Barrington Public Schools at 401-245-5000 (TTD 401-247-3750) not less than 48 hours in advance.
Posted Friday, April 26, 2019, on the Barrington School Website and Rhode Island Secretary of State website, Barrington Town Hall, and Barrington School Administration Building.
Health & Wellness Agenda 3.6.2019
BARRINGTON SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEETING Barrington Middle School Presentation Room 261 Middle Highway, Barrington, RI Health & Wellness Committee AGENDA March 6, 2019 8:30a.m.
Barrington Middle School is accessible to the handicapped. Individuals requiring any accommodations for disabilities must notify Barrington Public Schools at 401-245-5000 (TTD 401-247-3750) not less than 48 hours in advance. Posted February 27, 2019, on the Barrington School Website and Rhode Island Secretary of State website, Barrington Town Hall, and Barrington School Administration Building. |
2018-2019 Meeting Agendas & Materials
November 2018

11.7.2018_h_w_meeting_agenda_.pdf |
December 2018

health_and_wellness_agenda_12.5.2018.pdf |
2017-2018 Health and Wellness Reports

so_health_wellness_checklist |
2017-2018 Meeting Minutes
2017-2018 Meeting Agendas
Updates to the School Committee