Strategic Planning
Press ReleasesJanuary 2018 Press Release
Draft Strategic Plan
October 16, 2017
Press Release Barrington Public Schools Strategic Plan Press Release
August 25, 2017 Studer Education℠ facilitated the first meeting of the Barrington Public Schools Strategic Plan Steering Committee on Tuesday, August 15, 2017. The committee achieved near perfect attendance, and demonstrated high engagement around the planning process to define the District’s collective vision of success, to articulate core values, and set ambitious goals for the next five years in specific priority areas. In June, over 70 internal and external volunteers expressed interest in participation on the Strategic Plan Steering Committee. A District team that included Superintendent Michael B. Messore III, School Committee Chair Kate D. Brody, School Committee member Gina M. Pine, Barrington High School Principal Joseph Hurley, and Studer Education℠ Facilitator, Dr. Melissa Matarazzo participated in a blind scoring process to ensure a careful and objective selection process for the population of the Strategic Plan Steering Committee. During Tuesday’s meeting, Dr. Matarazzo introduced the committee members to one another and detailed the strategic planning process. As the Steering Committee meetings are open and transparent, non-committee community members were welcomed to observe and listen. Dr. Matarazzo provided guidance regarding the creation of broader opportunities for all stakeholders to contribute to the collective vision of future success. The Steering Committee members, as active, thoughtful participants, reviewed high-level data on the District’s student achievement, workforce engagement, service to parents and the community, and financial operations. Data analysis and deeper conversations around these priority areas will continue in the coming months. At the close of the meeting, participants completed an evaluation of the first strategic planning session. 100% reported that the purpose and objectives of the session were clearly stated and that they enjoyed the meeting; 93% of participants felt members were actively involved, and 90% felt that decision-making was shared. During the upcoming months, members of the community are invited to participate in 1-hour focus group sessions with the Studer Education℠ facilitator to discuss their vision of success for the District, the values they hope will be reflected in this vision, and the District’s strengths and opportunities for improvement. Every session will be guided by the same questions; therefore, interested members of the community may select their group’s most convenient time and date. If members of the community are unable to attend their particular group’s session, they may attend any of the other sessions, excluding the student groups (please see schedule below). The Steering Committee will analyze focus group feedback at its meeting on October 18th. Focus Group Schedule Studer Education℠ will also administer an anonymous, online survey to all parents and employees of the District via email on September 18th. To allow the Steering Committee to review survey feedback for planning purposes at the November 9th session, the survey will remain open through October 4th.
The next Steering Committee meeting will take place on Wednesday, October 4th, at 4 pm at the Barrington High School Library. Community members may visit the District website page on strategic planning for more information regarding the strategic planning process and associated resources. The strategic plan, resulting from the work of this committee, will focus the work of Barrington Public Schools and support the School Committee, District leaders, and all community stakeholders in making the best decisions to achieve our shared mission, “empowering all students to excel.” Michael B. Messore III Superintendent Barrington Public Schools 283 County Road Barrington, R.I. 02806 (401) 245-5000 ex1 (401) 245-5003 fax [email protected] Barrington Public Schools Strategic Plan Press Release
June 26, 2017 Barrington Public Schools has embarked on a Strategic Planning Process; the purpose of a strategic plan is to define our collective vision of success, articulate our core values, and set goals in specific priority areas. A strategic plan will focus our work and support the School Committee, district leaders, and all community stakeholders in making the best decisions to achieve our shared mission, “empowering all students to excel.” Recently, we named our Strategic Plan Steering Committee. To select a small, yet representative team from a pool of over 70 internal and external stakeholder volunteers, the School Committee President, Superintendent, and Studer Education℠ facilitator led a careful and objective selection process. As a result, the committee is a broadly representative group of students, parents, community members, local leaders, teachers, administrators, and School Committee members. This team will work diligently over the coming months in facilitated, productive and efficient ways to achieve the best outcome for our schools. The members of our Strategic Plan Steering Committee are listed below. As a result, the committee is a broadly representative group of students, parents, community members, local leaders, teachers, administrators, and School Committee members. This team will work diligently over the coming months in facilitated, productive and efficient ways to achieve the best outcome for our schools. The members of our Strategic Plan Steering Committee are listed below. School Committee
As our strategic planning process will be facilitated by our external partners at Studer Education℠, it will include multiple opportunities for additional community engagement, including focus groups, survey feedback, and open opportunities to review the progress of the process with transparency and methods for 2-way communication.The Strategic Planning Steering Committee will review feedback from these sources to determine key priorities for our district in future years. All members of our community should stay tuned for information about additional options to engage with the planning process in our district and school newsletters, the Barrington Times, and via social media and the district website. |