Barrington High School Library 220 Lincoln Avenue Barrington, RI 02806 AGENDA March 28, 2019 7:00 pm School Committee Work Session on Strategic Goal with Listening Sessions A. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE B. STRATEGIC GOAL: Student Success and School Improvement Plans C. WORK SESSIONS: a. Group 1: K-5 Principals and School Committee Members i. Public Comment b. Group 2: 6-12 Principals and School Committee Members ii. Public Comment D. LISTENING SESSIONS AND GROUP DISCUSSIONS E. SUPERINTENDENT REPORT 1. Two-Tier Schedule Update 2. FY20 Budget 3. Transportation Update 4. Personnel a. Retirement i. World Language, Barrington High School ii. Biology Teacher, Barrington High School 5. Approval of Requests for Home Schooling F. SCHOOL COMMITTEE BUSINESS 1. Field Trip Approval: Barrington High School FBLA National Leadership Conference (6/27/2019) 2. Policy Second Reading: Public Comment at School Committee Meetings 3. Discussion and Possible Action: Resolution in Support of Career and Technical Education (CTE) Programs 4. AD HOC Advisory Athletic Field Committee Membership Update 5. Consent Agenda a. School Committee Meeting Minutes: February 28, 2019 b. School Committee Meeting Minutes: March 14, 2019 c. School Committee Executive Session Minutes: March 14, 2019 G. PUBLIC COMMENT H. DISCUSSION ITEMS EXECUTIVE SESSION: Pursuant to Rhode Island General Laws 42-46-5 (a) (2) for Sessions pertaining to collective bargaining with National Education Association Barrington (NEAB). A vote may be taken on any item on this agenda. The order of business may be altered or suspended at any meeting by a majority of those present. Each regular business meeting shall continue until such time as all matters on the agenda have been considered and acted upon, provided, however, that at 10:00 p.m. the Chair may call for actions required before adjournment and a subsequent motion to adjourn. The Barrington Town Hall is accessible to the handicapped. Individuals requiring any accommodations for disabilities must notify Barrington Public Schools at 401-245-5000 (TTD 401-247-3750) not less than 48 hours in advance. Posted March 25, 2019 at 3:45 p.m. at Barrington School Administration, Barrington Town Hall, and Rhode Island Secretary of State web site. Comments are closed.
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